Launch Intro Video



Below is the full scrip for the intro video.


Huel requires no cooking and takes less than 2 minutes to prepare giving you more time to spend on other areas of your life.

Starting at just £2 per meal, no other food can provide such balanced nutrition at such an affordable price.

Furthermore, all of its ingredients are free from animal products, dairy, eggs, soy and added sugar making it suitable for those with even the most complex dietary requirements.


But it’s about more than just convenience.

When I see Huel i see so much more than a food product, I see the potential to help solve one of the world’s grand challenges. How do we fed ourselves healthily without destroying the environment?


We now have over 7 billion people on the planet and that is growing at 250,000 per day. Modern food production methods are often inefficient, inhumane, and unsustainable.

The meat industry alone produces more greenhouse gases than all the cars, trucks, planes and ships in the world combined.

We have to rethink the current system. We must change attitudes, be more efficient and reduce waste.


Think about how much food and packaging you throw away everyday. Now compare it to Huel, a simple nutritious powder that provides you with everything you need in a single bag.

What’s more, with a shelf life of one year, waste is virtually non-existent.

Makes you think doesn't it?


By switching to Huel you will guarantee your is body getting 100% of what it needs in the most efficient way possible. No cooking. No hassle.

Huel will save you time and money, freeing you to live life the way you want to.


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